Build the best product that creates the most value for our customers, use business to inspire and implement environmentally friendly solutions.
We strive to go above and beyond for our clients no matter the challenge. We aim to deliver our very best work every single day across our services.
Emily Davis
Exploration. History. Adventure. is a collection of lost stories, hidden places, and natural wonders that works toward bringing awareness for hidden and forgotten places with significant historic, cultural, and geologic importance while also providing fellow avid adventurers, historians, and curious minds with a new place to explore. does not take any responsibility for people visiting these sites. Proper knowledge and safety measures must be taken at all times when exploring any of the places mentioned on this website. Many old structures pose serious dangers to those nearby and are not always often clearly identified or seen.
We do not encourage illegal or dangerous activity of any kind. Sadly, historical buildings and sites are not always accessible through legal means but in no way do we encourage trespassing or breaking and entering.
Before we begin exploring, we want to respectfully acknowledge that the territory in which we are travelling are the ancestral homelands of numerous First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. The maps and borders found throughout this site were often decided on without the consultation, permission, or recognition of the land’s original inhabitants. Similarly, the geographic place names do not always reflect the Indigenous or Aboriginal languages. We encourage everyone to learn and regularly acknowledge the land you live and visit on. Websites and resources provided by Indigenous and Aboriginal nations such as can help us all learn, understand and respect the land we travel on and the people who call it home.
All photos that are not referenced to a source are owned by the author or have been given to the author for use.
Copyright © 2023 & Scott Osmond